Let's slide 像個溜滑梯
Let's slide xiang ge liu hua ti
Everybody dance just follow me
And glide 就跨過去
And glide jiu kua guo qu
Ru guo xi huan ting you qu de qu jiu lai
From left to right
Zuo you jiao dou yi qi cai
Gen wo lai yun dong yi xia
Dong wan jiu hui jue de xin qing shuang
不想 停止跳
Bu xiang ting zhi tiao
Bu guan bie ren xiao bu xiao
Zhi xiang ji xu tiao
Yi zhi dao wo mei you jiao
Okay so everybody 來準備
Okay so everybody lai zhun bei
And do the slide just slide
Hey hey just slide
Just slide just slide
Hey hey just slide
And slide everybody do it
Move it like you feel the music
Yong ying wen huo zhong wen
Dou xi yin dao hen duo ren
Uh and you know what it is
K to the O and I'm back like a rib
So everybody do this
Follow my movements
Summertime groovin'
We can cook along to it
Drive around cruisin'
Bumpin' my music
So just enjoy the ride
And do the slide just slide
Hey hey just slide
Just slide just slide
Hey hey just slide
And slide everybody do it
Move it like you feel the music
From the left to the right
We gon' step to the slide
Cuz we gon' do it up 太空
Cuz we gon' do it up tai kong
讓 everybody 動 拍手
Rang everybody dong pai shou
And slide across the globe 滑動
And slide across the globe hua dong
Hey 像在解鎖 iPhone
Hey xiang zai jie suo iPhone